PAMM profit calculation (for investor)

How to calculate profit if you are a pamm account investor

Data to consider in order to calculate your potential or actual monthly profit:

1. Profitability (depends on trading results) per month. For example, I will take 10%
2. Share split percentage: 70 / 30
3. Amount of investment. For example, I will take $15,000
4. Duration of the trading period: 2 weeks (14 days)

The amount of your investment will participate in trading, which I provide with the LUX trading system.
Each trading period will have approximately 5% with trading activity that will provide a profitability of 10% per month.
That is, after the first trading period, your earnings will be 5% ($750) of the investment amount. The system will automatically separate my 30% and $525 of your net profit will be added to your account at the end of the trading period.
The second trading period will start with $15,000 + $525, equal to $15,525
Profit in the second trading period will be 5% ($776.25) of $15,525. The system will automatically separate my 30% and $543.38 of your net profit will be added to your account at the end of the trading period.
Thus, your profit after 1 month of participation in PAMM will be $543.38 and $525 = $1,068.38 in total