How to calculate monthly profit

How to calculate monthly profit of LUX PAMM account

How to calculate your monthly profit in LUX PAMM account:

  1. Get information about the average monthly return. – you can find “Monthly” on myfxbook – on my website page find “Monthly return” – Calculate on your own using trade data.
    (For example, now this value is 9.16%)

  2. Calculate the approximate profitability for the first trading period and the second trading period. The duration of the period is 14 days. The crude way is to divide the monthly profitability by 2.
    (For example 9.16 / 2 = 4.58)

  3. Considering the size of the investment, calculate the profit that you will receive after the first trading period.
    (For example 10,000 * 0.0458 = $458)

  4. Subtract my commission 30%
    (For example 458 * 0.7 = $320.6)

  5. Add profit to balance
    (For example 10,000 + 320.6 = $10320.6)

  6. Calculate profit for the second trading period. Repeat steps 3, 4, 5 for a new balance.
    (For example 10,320.6 * 0.0458 = $472.68
    472.68 * 0.7 = $330.88
    New balance: 10,320.6 + 330.88 = $10,651.48)

  7. So $651.48 is monthly income.